15 minutes comprehensive complete medical exam
Experienced Surgeon
Extensive exposure in foot & ankle and sports injuries orthopedic surgeon (Frankfurt, Germany)
Osteopathic Treatments
Latest technique and effective method to treat, chronic pains
About Mehrdad Darvish
Mehrdad Darvish is an orthopedic surgeon, fellowship degree holder in foot and ankle, and sports injuries surgery from Unfallklinik, Frankfurt, Germany.
He has extensive experience managing, consulting, and treating athletes. In the Iranian national Olympic committee for over 15 years, he served as an executive consultant orthopedics and teacher. Since 2016, he has been residing in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where he studies and practices manual osteopathy. As an orthopedic surgeon, he continues to be licensed outside Canada.

Why I chose to be an osteopath?
I have operated on thousands of patients suffering from musculoskeletal problems over the past 30 years, and the vast majority of them were healed. there were no malpractices, or complications, because I knew my abilities, and I chose correct patients for surgery. I always put function first and aim for maximum efficiency. Over the past decade, my treatment concept has shifted towards more conservative approaches. When I was studying foot& ankle surgery in Germany, I met some orthopedists, who did not do surgeries, instead they were treating patients by conservative and alternative treatments, and it was good enough, and quite effective. Using non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures to treat my patients was a trigger in my mind.
a branch of medical practice that emphasizes the treatment of medical disorders through the manipulation and massage of the bones, joints, and muscles.
Years later I accidentally saw an article in the net claiming: “we love osteopathy“, by Dr.Shawn Pourgol! The name osteopathy ringed in my head, because Osteo, means Bone, and dealing with bones is my business. So I started to search that term, and then I found out there is a very extensive branch of alternative medicine, called Osteopathy, then I started to practice osteopathy technics for my patients, including those, who had surgery. The result was so excitingly good, that I decided to study and practice osteopathy, because it was the same as orthopedics, without surgery! Actually it was a shortcut to my profession as an orthopedic surgeon.
Now it is 5 years, that I am officially an Osteopath, and using my orthopedic vision, skills, expertise, and experience to treat my patients. Do I miss surgery? absolutely not, because osteopathic treatments fulfills me enough, moreover I did not quit surgery yet! everytime I go to Frankfurt to visit my friends, and colleagues, I attend some surgeries with my close friend, Dr. Med H. Motlaq, and Prof. Abt. also every year I go to my fatherland, where lots of my patients are waiting for me to have their operations, and treatment. I always keep myself updated both in orthopedics, and osteopathy, by attending webinars and reading latest news.
Common Problems & Osteopathic Solutions
Osteopathy can provide relief and treatment for a wide range of conditions. These include:
Head and Neck
Tension, migraine headaches, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) clicking, and pain, Neck pain, TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome)
Shoulder, Elbow and Hand
Shoulder problems such as rotator cuff tear, capsulitis, tendinitis and tendinopathy, impingement syndrome, malalignment Tennis elbow, golf elbow, tardy ulnar nerve palsy, Arm, and forearm myositis, Wrist pain and limitation of ROM, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Trigger thumb and fingers
Spine, Hip and Knee
Lower extremities muscles imbalance, Knee problems, such as menisci injuries, ACL, PCL injuries, collateral ligamentous tear, knee laxities, osteoarthritis, chondromalacia, and knee pain, patellofemoral syndrome, Back pain, Low back pain, Scoliosis, Sij (sacroiliac joint) hypermobility, subluxation, Hips malfunction, imbalance
Foot and Ankle
Calf muscles tightness and tenderness, Hallux valgus and hallux rigidus, Plantar fasciitis, Heel spur, Mortom neuroma, Metatarsalgia, Equinus deformity, Shin splint syndrome, Ankle joint problems, like ligament injuries, tendinitis and tendinopathy, Achilles tendon injuries, anterior ankle pain
History of Osteopathy
In 1874 Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917), who was a practicing surgeon in Kansas, United States, offered an innovative method as alternative medicine, which he called it: Osteopathy. The word which has origin in Greek consists of the roots osteon for bone and pathos for suffering.
Until then, some of the medications that was being prescribed to patients consisted of toxic and nauseous remedies such as arsenic, castor oil, whiskey, opium, and sometimes cannabis! Moreover unhygienic surgical procedures often resulted in more deaths than providing any cure. Dr. Still believed that physicians could treat a variety of diseases and spare patients the negative side effects of drugs. He started to collect and compile information from ancient cultures, such as Persian, Egyptian, Greek and Chinese and methods they employed in manipulation of the musculoskeletal system. Still defined osteopathy as:
Osteopathy is that science which consists of such exact, exhaustive, and verifiable knowledge of the structure and functions of the human mechanism, anatomical, physiological, and psychological, including the chemistry and physics of its known elements, as has made discoverable certain organic laws and remedial resources, within the body itself, by which nature under the scientific treatment peculiar to osteopathic practice, apart from all ordinary methods of extraneous, artificial, or medicinal stimulation, and in harmonious accord with its own mechanical principles, molecular activities, and metabolic processes, may recover from displacements, disorganizations, derangements, and consequent disease, and regain its normal equilibrium of form and function in health and strength.
Still founded the first school of osteopathy based on his approach to medicine, which was called: “the American School of Osteopathy” (now A.T. Still University) in Kirksville, Missouri in 1892. He also was one of the first physicians to promote the idea of preventive medicine. Although manual treatments were used hundreds of years before Dr. Still all around the world (by the evidence found in the ancient caves drawings), A.T. Still was the first one who gathered, classified, and named it. From that time onward many osteopathic schools started to work in many countries in Europe, and America.

AC Joint Dislocation
AcromioClavicular Joint (AC joint), is one of the immobile joints in the body, although it has minimal movements, it is so little, that can’t be visible. This joint is stabilized by several ligaments, and by direct, or indirect trauma to ...

Discectomy Drawbacks
Discopathy is one of the most common problems that happen to the human body, it’s due to imbalanced pressure over the intervertebral discs. The most common level is L4-L5, which is at the lumbar region. Degeneration and dehydration of the ...

Hip Adductor Muscles Pain
Hip adductor muscles are 3 muscles, which originate from the Ischium bone of the pelvis and insert on the medial aspect of the femoral bone. These muscles are formed by Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis, and Adductor Longus. All these muscles ...

Hallux Rigidus & Anterior Shin Splint Syndrome
Hallux Rigidus is a kind of osteoarthritis of the 1st MP joint of the big toe. In this condition 1st, MP joint ROM is limited and painful. Due to ROM limitation, movement of the ankle joint is increased, and it ...

Trigger Finger
Trigger finger is a chronic condition referred to as flexor tendons of the fingers. There are two different flexor tendons for each finger, superficial, and profondous, and the trigger finger affects the profondous tendon. A trigger finger happens, when there ...

Iatrogenic Hallux Varus
Iatrogenic H. Varus, is a surgeon pitfall, happens when he overcorrects the Hallux Valgus. In this situation, the big toe goes further to outside from a normal angle of 9 degrees, and when you see the foot, the big toe ...

Most Common Foot And Ankle Sport Injuries
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